rz mask contest winner!


safety in any wood working project is a real thing! I always use my p95 RZMask whenever I do any project that requires any kind of air filtration to at anytime instructions say: “make sure you are in a well ventilated area”.

the projects I use this mask for include:

I use this mask because it is comfortable, breathes well, and allows me to move about when I am working on my projects. I don’t have to think about fixing my mask or it staying on too long and loosing my breath.

rzmask has so many different styles and colors and patterns too! this makes it more fun to dawn on gear that will protect your lungs (especially now that masks are a must everywhere we go!)

I stumbled upon their photo contest in early 2020 and guess what…

I WON! 🙌


check out my interview with rz mask here!

my brother and I made a couple submissions and had a lot of fun getting a good shot! below is the winning photo!
